Use the Right Word
Below is a list of great verbs to help you express just exactly what you did with impressive vocabulary.
These verbs are used to express responsibilities and tasks performed:
acted accomplished adapted administered advanced advised allocated analyzed applied approved arbitrated arranged assisted attained blended brought built carried out catalogued changed classified collaborated compared completed computed conceived conducted constructed consulted contracted controlled cooperated coordinated corrected counseled created dealt decided decreased defined delegated derived designated detected developed devised directed discovered distributed documented doubled edited encouraged engineered enlarged escalated established estimated evaluated examined expanded experienced explored facilitated finalized formulated founded functioned governed grouped guided handled harmonized harnessed headed identified implemented improved increased indexed initiated inspected installed instituted interpreted introduced invented investigated justified led localized located made managed maintained mechanized merged moderated motivated negotiated opened operated organized originated overcame perceived performed pioneered planned prepared presented presided processed programmed promoted provided purchased raised recommended recorded recruited rectified redesigned repaired replaced restored reversed reviewed revised saved screened selected serviced set up solved sorted sparked specified started stimulated strengthened summarized supervised supported systematized tested trained transacted transcribed transformed tripled upgraded validated varied verified vitalized won wrote
To describe your skills the following adjectives are useful
accurate active adaptable adept broad-minded competent conscientious creative dependable determined diplomatic discreet efficient energetic enterprising enthusiastic experienced fair firm genuine honest innovative logical loyal mature methodical motivated objective outgoing personable pleasant positive practical productive reliable resourceful self disciplined sense of humor sensitive sincere successful tactful trustworthy
Use these verbs and adjectives and really sell yourself. You only have a few minutes to show how good you really are. By using this precise vocabulary and being confident can help you make the best impression possible. |