hard sell
- sell something by being very aggressive
The car salesman gave us a hard sell so we decided to go to another dealer.
heads will roll
- someone will be punished
Heads will roll when our boss learns about the money that we have lost recently.
in black and white
- in writing
The company refused to deal with the customer's complaints until they saw them in black and white.
in charge of
- in control of, responsible for
My sister has been in charge of buying supplies at her company for many years.
in short supply
- not enough, in less than the amount or number needed
Experienced computer programmers are in short supply at our company.
in stock
- have something ready to sell or use
They didn't have any computer printer ribbons in stock at the store.
in the black
- successful or making money
The new company has been in the black for over a year now.
in the long run
- in the final result
The company has been losing money recently but in the long run they should do very well.
in the market for
- ready to buy something
We have been in the market for a new computer for a long time but still we haven't bought one.
in the red
- losing money, unprofitable
The company began to go into the red when the price of oil began to rise rapidly.
in the works
- in preparation, being planned or worked on
The camera company has a new automatic camera in the works but nobody knows about it yet.