red ink
- debt (red ink on a financial statement)
The automobile company has been drowning in red ink since the US dollar began to rise.
run short
- not have enough in quantity
They ran short of gasoline at the gas station and had to close early.
saddled with debt
- burdened with debt
Our sister company is saddled with a great amount of debt and should be sold as soon as possible.
sell like hotcakes
- sell very quickly
The children's toys were selling like hotcakes at the end of the year.
sell out
- sell all of a product
Every year at least one company sells out all of their products which frustrates many customers.
strike while the iron is hot
- take advantage of an opportunity
We decided to strike while the iron was hot and began to market the product around the time of the Olympics.
sweetheart deal
- a deal made between friends so that both may make a big profit
We were able to make a sweetheart deal with our landlord and got the rent greatly reduced.