“A few years ago, I shocked my friends and family. I broke my engagement to a well-educated millionaire business executive to marry a construction worker. Why? Because he is kind, honest and totally lovable. My high-school dropout can fix plumbing, tune up a car, build a house and grow enough vegetables to feed an army. He can cook and clean like a pro, and comes home whistling every evening, without stopping at a bar. The stories about his day at the construction site are far more interesting than my day on Wall Street.
This man won’t grow soft and flabby, sitting behind a desk all day, and he won’t get a stress-related illness, or have an affair with his secretary. And if we have children, he won’t be too busy to spend time with his family.”
1. How did the writer shock her family and friends?
2. Why were they surprised?
3. Describe her fiancé’s personality.
4. Does he think he will be a good father? If so, why?