Lesson14: A ONE-OF-A-KIND HOTEL | |
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KEY LARGO, FL, USA--Jules Undersea Lodge in Key Largo is a one-of-a-kind hotel. It is completely underwater! It sits on legs at the bottom of a 30-foot-deep lagoon, completely underwater. To check in, you have to scuba dive and enter through a hole under the hotel. This hole leads to a "wet" room where you take off your wet clothes and dry off.
The underwater hotel is comfortable. There are books, videos, hot showers and also phones so you can keep in touch with people on land. Each of the two bedrooms has a big window where you can watch hundreds of fish go by. When you wake up, you may see an angelfish or parrotfish watching you. "It's a moment you'll never forget," says Ian Koblick, an underwater scientist. For special occasions, the hotel gives you the red-carpet treatment. A chef can scuba dives to the hotel and cook a special meal for you. A birthday cake or flowers can also be delivered.
A control room on land monitors the hotel at all times. It pumps fresh air into the hotel and keeps water out. You can explore the ocean attached to a long line, which provides a limitless air supply. But if diving is not your cup of tea, you can relax inside the hotel.
Yes, you'll pay through the nose for a night at Jules' Lodge ($325 per person) but you'll have a ball. "To live beneath the sea was once just a science fiction fantasy. Now it is a reality," says owner Dr. Neil Monney.
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Answer the questions:
1. Why is Jules' Lodge one-of-a-kind? 2. What do you have to do to check into the hotel? 3. What do you do in the "wet" room? 4. What goes by outside the hotel window? 5. In what ways does the hotel give you the red-carpet treatment? 6. How does the control room keep you safe? 7. How can you spend your time if diving is not your cup of tea? 8. Is the hotel expensive? 9. Would you have a ball at this hotel? Why or Why not?
Complete the idioms.
1. She paid through ________________ for his new boat and then discovered that sailing was not really his cup _______________. 2. The Palace Hotel gives its guests the red-_______________________. When you check ______________, they give you a bottle of wine. When you wake ______________________, they'll bring you breakfast in bed. 3. Natasha took _______________ her wet clothes and is drying ________________ by the fire.
Complete the dialogue.
Use the idioms below and put the verbs in correct form and tense.
give you the red-carpet treatment have a ball wake...up go by not my cup of tea check in at all times
Bodnia: Hi, I'd like to _____________. My name is Bodnia. Hotel Staff: Sure. I'll check your reservation. Yes, you're in Rm. 301. Here's your key, Mr. Bodnia. Bodnia: Thanks. Will you _______________ me _______________________ at 6am tomorrow? Hote Staff: Sure. We'll give you a call. Bodnia: And are there restaurants in the hotel? Hotel Staff: Yes, we have two. Our dining room is closed now but the cafe is open ____________________. Bodina: Great. Where's the cafe? Hotel Staff: _____________________ the elevators. Then turn left and go down the restaurant next door. They'll ______________________. There's mariachi music until midnight. It's a great place. You'll _________________!
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FANTASY: a supposition based on no solid foundation; visionary idea; illusion
SCIENCE FICTION: A literary or cinematic genre in which fantasy, typically based on speculative scientific discoveries or developments, environmental changes, space travel, or life on other planets, forms part of the plot or background.
Examples: 1) Science Wonder stories are one of my favorite science fiction magazines. 2) He dreams of? Utopias and similar fantasies.
New Idioms and Expressions:
one-of-a-kind - unique; one that does not exist elsewhere check in - register at a hotel, a convention, a hospital etc. take something off - remove something dry off - become dry go by pass; move past wake up - awaken from sleep give someone the red-carpet treatment - welcome a guest with special attention at all times - constantly; continuously keep someone or something out - not allow someone or something to enter not one's cup of tea - not something one enjoys pay through the nose - pay a vary high price have a ball - have a wonderful time; really enjoy oneself
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1. What is your dream vacation?
2. Have you been experienced a perfect vacation?
3. If your wish will be granted, who are the two people that you will invite?
4. Do you like scuba diving?
5. What sceneries fascinated you most?
6. What is your fantasy when you were a child, teenager and now? |
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