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Missoula, MT, USA. On a fine summer day, Aaron Hall, 16, SET OUT ON a hike in the mountains of Montana with a group of young children. As a camp counselor, Hall WAS IN CHARGE OF the children’s safety.
Hall was walking IN FRONT OF six-year old Dante Swallow when he heard Dante scream. He turned around and GOT THE SHOCK OF HIS LIFE. An animal had Dante by the neck and was dragging him away.AT FIRST GLANCE, the animal LOOKED LIKE a dog, but then Hall saw the face of a mountain lion. He reacted IN A FLASH. He began kicking and hitting the lion. He FOUGHT TOOTH AND NAIL.
The lion LET GO of Dante and BACKED OFF, running into the bushes. Hall gave Dante first aid. Then he jumped into a nearby truck and drove the boy down the mountain. At the hospital, Dante got stitches in his neck. What a CLOSE CALL! The lion’s teeth had just missed Dante’s main artery.
“I WAS REALLY SCARED OF that lion,” Hall said afterwards. “I don’t even remember fighting him.” He is now a hero in his community. “What he did is just incredible,” said Dante’s grateful parents.
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1. What was Hall in charge of? 2. What did the animal look like at first glance? 3. How did Hall react when he saw it was a lion? How would you react in the same situation? 4. What did the lion do after Hall fought him tooth and nail? 5. Why did Dante have a close call? 6. What is your opinion of Hall?
Complete the story.
Fill in the blanks in this true story with idioms below. Put the verbs in the correct form and tense.
Be sacred of in front of set out Back off get the shock of one’s life a close call In a flash in charge of
Senator Has a Close Call Whitefish, MT, USA. For many years, Senator Bob Brown worked in the Montana Legislature, where he was _________________ making new laws for the state. But Brown is retired now and spends much of his time outdoors.
One recent summer day, Brown ____________ with his dog Mishka to do some fishing. On his way to the river, he _____________________. Mishka came out from some bushes and behind her was a grizzly bear! ____________________, Brown climbed a dead pine tree which had no branches. “I went up that tree as fast as I could go. If you don’t think a fat guy can climb a tree, think again,” he said. The bear stood _______________ Brown and tried to grab his feet. “I ________________ f alling. I was so tired. I knew I couldn’t stay up in the tree much longer.” Mishka, meanwhile, was hiding quietly in the bushes.
Luckily, the bear eventually got bored and _________________. Brown and Mishka escaped in the other direction. It was _______________________! |
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camp: a place in the country that offers simple group accommodations and organized recreation or instruction, as for vacationing children
stitches: A single complete movement of a threaded needle in sewing or surgical suturing
artery: Any of the muscular elastic tubes that form a branching system and that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the body.
1) My family is planning to join a church camp this coming holy week.
2) Linda had a car accident yesterday. She has 3 stitches now on her forehead because of that.
3) The artery carries the blood away from the heart.
Match Column A with B.
A |
B |
1. fight tooth and nail |
A. fear; be afraid of someone or something |
2. set out (on a hike,walk, or trip) |
B.move in reverse,stop threatening someone |
3.be in charge of someone or something |
C.be similar in appearance to someone or something |
4. in front of someone or something |
D. be extremely surprised and scared |
5. get the shock of one's life |
E. be responsible for someone or something |
6. at first glance |
F. fight very hard |
7. look like someone or something |
G. begin (a hike, walk, trip) |
8. in a flash |
H. ahead of; before someone or something |
9. let go of someone or something |
I. at the first quick look |
10. back off from someone |
J. very quickly |
11.a close call |
K. release someone or something |
12. be scared of someone or something |
L. a narrow escape | |
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1. Tell about a time when you got the shock of your life. 2. Are you scared of any animals? Which ones? 3. Tell about a close call you have had in your life. What happened? 4. Do you like to be in charge of things? Explain. |
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