Mobile, AL, USA - One fall day, a giant bird showed up at the home of Ed Stuardi and fell madly in love with him. He and his wife first saw the six-feet emu drinking water from their bird bath and eating berries from their trees. Then Ed began to feed her dog food, not knowing that he was asking for trouble. Soon the bird was following Ed all day long and driving him crazy.
Then things went from bad to worse. One day the bird ran toward Ed, making noises deep in her throat. Ed didn’t realize these were mating calls. He was scared stiff. Smaller that the bird, Ed tried to keep her away with a stick.
For two days, Ed didn’t dare go out of his house. He called the police, but they said they couldn’t help him out. They didn’t have the equipment to catch the bird.
Finally, Ed contacted the Animal Rescue Foundation, which got involved and caught the bird. Diane Roberts, director of the Foundation, explained the situation this way: “Mr. Stuardi was feeding her and it was mating season. So she had her heart set on this man. Hopefully she’ll meet another fellow and forget about Mr. Stuardi. After all, he is a married??man. |