The world today revolves around my troubles. Chief among them are The Big Four: EXAMS, POCKET MONEY, DATES, and DIETING.
Test-taking is a way of life. It seems that all I do is study for some exam, take it, study for another one, take, study… Is this all there is? I guess I do okay on my exams, but I cram for them for weeks at a time, and a day later I seem to forget everything, so I wonder what I really learn. But meanwhile, the pressure! I wish there were some way to end this.
Though I have too many exams, I never have enough money. I don’t get a very large allowance to begin with, and the little I have doesn’t last very long. I try to budget myself, but by the end of the week I’m always short. What can I do to improve this situation?
Another problem is dating. Part of the difficulty is deciding where to go on a date. What can I do that my date would also like? But an even bigger problem is that my friends seem to have a lot more dates than I do, so I wonder what I’m doing wrong. What can I do to be more popular than I am?
The last thing on my list is my weight and my appearance. My whole body seems to be changing all at once: my voice, my face, my size, my shape---- everything! I try to eat healthy meals and to watch my calories, and I try to get lots of exercise, but nothing seems to help a lot more dates than I do, so I wonder what I’m doing wrong. What can I do to be more popular than I am?
The last thing on my list is my weight and my appearance. My whole body seems to be changing all at once: my voice, my face, my size, my shape?everything! I try to eat healthy meals and to watch my calories, and I try to get lots of exercise, but nothing seems to help.