Before meeting business partners and fellow professional from other countries,
you could find out about their country:
Ø The actual political situation
Ø Cultural and regional differences
Ø Religions
Ø The role of women in business and society as a whole.
Ø Transportation and telecommunications systems.
Ø The economy
Ø The main companies
Ø The main exports and imports
Ø The market for the business sector which interest you
Ø Competitors
You might also want to find out:
Ø Which topics are safe for small talk
Ø Which topic are best avoided
If you are going to visit another country, find out about:
Ø The conversation regarding socializing
Ø Attitudes towards gifts
Ø The extent to which public, business and private lives are are mixed or
kept separate.
Ø Conventions regarding food and drink.
You might also like to find out about:
Ø The weather at the relevant time of the year
Ø Public holidays
Ø The conventions regarding working hours
Ø Leisure interest
Ø Tourism
Ø Dress
Ø Body language
Ø Language.
Drill: Practice keeping the conversation going using any topics above.
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