a. Suggest ways to interupting for the following reasons:
-ask for clarification
-add opinion
-ask for more details
-change the direction of the discussion
b. Handling interruptions
-promise to come back to a point later
-politely disagree with an interruptio
-say the interruption is not relevant or that time is short
-politely accept the interruption and respond to it before continuing
-rejecting a suggestion
c. Below is a part of a discussion between directors of an oil company talking about a fall in sales. Sugget interuptions to complete the dialogue.
A: The fall in sales is mainly due to the recession affecting world markets.
B: (Ask for clarification)
A: Well, it's a general fall of around 5% in sales for most producy areas. Also, specifically in the oil processing sector, we have much lower sales, mainly because we sold our UK subsidiary, Anglo Oils.
B: (Ask why Anglo was sold)
A: Well, no, I'd rather not go into that. We discussed that in previous meetings. I'd prefer to talk about future prospects. The outlook is very good right now...
B: (Disagree)
A: I'm very surprised you say that. In fact, sales forecasts are much better now. Anyway. let me tell you...
B: (Express you want to talk about new markets)
A: New markets? yes, but can we talk about new markets later? I have some important information on that. But first....
B: (Suggest a break)
A: Take a break! We've only just started!
-ask for clarification
-add opinion
-ask for more details
-change the direction of the discussion
b. Handling interruptions
-promise to come back to a point later
-politely disagree with an interruptio
-say the interruption is not relevant or that time is short
-politely accept the interruption and respond to it before continuing
-rejecting a suggestion
c. Below is a part of a discussion between directors of an oil company talking about a fall in sales. Sugget interuptions to complete the dialogue.
A: The fall in sales is mainly due to the recession affecting world markets.
B: (Ask for clarification)
A: Well, it's a general fall of around 5% in sales for most producy areas. Also, specifically in the oil processing sector, we have much lower sales, mainly because we sold our UK subsidiary, Anglo Oils.
B: (Ask why Anglo was sold)
A: Well, no, I'd rather not go into that. We discussed that in previous meetings. I'd prefer to talk about future prospects. The outlook is very good right now...
B: (Disagree)
A: I'm very surprised you say that. In fact, sales forecasts are much better now. Anyway. let me tell you...
B: (Express you want to talk about new markets)
A: New markets? yes, but can we talk about new markets later? I have some important information on that. But first....
B: (Suggest a break)
A: Take a break! We've only just started!