People have different lifestyles. Some only pursue self-oriented happiness without considering other people. They get happiness from wielding political power and economic influence over others. They seem to think they are happy. But actually they are disappointed after all: since man’s desire is endless, nothing can satisfy their needs. They must remember that the first step to happiness is to restrict one’s desire.
Priests, monks, nuns are the outstanding examples of those who try to be happy by refraining from worldly passion. They think they’re happy because they’re living the way God orders them to live. For them, however, one question also remains: Are they “really happy if they have no personal autonomy?
A third group consists of very ordinary people. They have no political or economic power. They’re at the mercy of political ups and downs and the economic situation. But they treasure their families and value little things from which they can get happiness. They’re happy if they have three meals a day, a car, a summer vacation, enough money to educate their children. They feel happy when they play tennis instead of golf. They’re happy with a compact car and never worry about driving a sedan. Who are the happiest people? Who knows? If you think you’re happy, you are.?? Happiness is how you think about yourself and the world you live in.