Express Yourself:
1.Does your conscience bother you if you tell a lie?
2.Do you think honesty is always the best policy, or can lying sometimes be the better option?
3.If you picked up a little money on the street, would you report it to the police?
4.Would you have a guilty conscience if you were in love with two people?
5.Could you betray your friend to save your life?
6.Could you betray your country to save your family?
7.Can we criticize a soldier who leaked confidential information in order to avoid torture or to save his life?
8. If your mom and wife were both drowning, who would you rescue first?
9. If your wife cooked something terrible, would you tell that it's awful or would you tell that it's delicious?
10. If your friend gave you an ugly shirt for your birthday and he was asking about your opinion, what would you say?
11. If a coworker was showing a picture of his girlfriend who is fat and unfortunatelooking, and he was asking about what do you think about her, what would you say?
Opinion Samples:
* We don’t have to feel guilty about a second marriage.
* Each person has the right to enjoy his life
* Again if the spouse dies. He or she might have promised not to remarry, when the spouse was alive.
*But I don’t think that promise must be kept. Living people are important than the dead.