No word is more than romantic than love. Love means everything to many people. People become happy when they are in love, and feel lonely and depressed when they have no one to love. Love is usually regarded as a good thing and seems immune from criticism. But problems arise when people identify love with selfishness and jealousy. Some try to own their partners, like property, simply because they are in love, and this attitude easily jeopardizes the relationship between the two people. Love means understanding, and we must admit our lover, as he or she is, not as object of ownership. Love between parents and children are usually considered endless and unconditional. But many people say there is a difference between maternal love and paternal love. Do you really think so? What’s the difference? Is paternal love conditional and maternal love not?
It is natural to marry when we are in love. But I don’t think love is everything in marriage. We have many loves throughout our lives, but usually one marriage. What does that mean? That love alone is not sufficient for marriage, If we can't get over it when we wake up from easy, fantastic dream.