1.Would you rather study an Asian or a European language?
2.Would you prefer to study in a class or with a private tutor?
3.Would you prefer listening to a tape or watching a video in class?
4.Would you rather attend a daytime or an evening class?
5.How do you learn new words in a foreign language?
6.What languages have you studied? How well can you read, write and speak?
each of them?
7. Which language do you think is the most difficult to learn? Why?
8. How do people who come from different regions of your country speak
9. What do you find most difficult to learn in English?
10.What's the best way to learn a language?
11.At what did you begin studying a second language? Do think age affects a
person's ability to learn a new language?
12.Are some languages more beautiful to listen to than others? If so which?
13.Are there any languages that you really don't like the sound of? Why?