Presentations - Survival Language
When you are making a presentation, you can sometimes get things wrong. When that happens, many people "freeze". If you learn the following phrases, you can use them "automatically" if things go wrong. You'll be surprised how much good this can do for your self-confidence.
You make a mistake in your facts:
I'm terribly sorry. What I meant to say was this. ……..
You've gone too fast and are losing your audience:
Let me recap what I've just said.
You have missed out something important:
Sorry, I should mention one thing.
You've over-complicated what you have said and you want to simplify it for your audience.
So basically what I am saying is this …………
What you have said didn't make much sense:
Perhaps I didn't make myself terribly clear……..
You cannot think of the right word or expression in English.
Sorry, what's the word I'm looking for?
Your words didn't come out the way you intended:
Let me rephrase that……………….
You are running out of time and you have to go fast.
Just to give you the main points…………………..
Just learn these expressions by heart. They will get you out of 'sticky' situations.
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