Business letter writing checklist
When you write a business letter, use this checklist to remind you of the key principles of effective letter writing.
Keep it Short
Cut needless words and needless information.
Cut stale phrases and redundant statements.
Cut the first paragraph if it refers to previous correspondence.
Cut the last paragraph if it asks for future correspondence.
Keep it Simple
Use familiar words, short sentences and short paragraphs.
Keep your subject matter as simple as possible.
Keep related information together.
Use a conversational style.
Keep it Strong
Answer the reader's question in the first paragraph.
Give your answer and then explain why.
Use concrete words and examples.
Keep to the subject.
Keep it Sincere
Answer promptly.
Be human and as friendly as possible.
Write as if you were talking to your reader.
When you write a business letter, use this checklist to remind you of the key principles of effective letter writing.
Keep it Short
Cut needless words and needless information.
Cut stale phrases and redundant statements.
Cut the first paragraph if it refers to previous correspondence.
Cut the last paragraph if it asks for future correspondence.
Keep it Simple
Use familiar words, short sentences and short paragraphs.
Keep your subject matter as simple as possible.
Keep related information together.
Use a conversational style.
Keep it Strong
Answer the reader's question in the first paragraph.
Give your answer and then explain why.
Use concrete words and examples.
Keep to the subject.
Keep it Sincere
Answer promptly.
Be human and as friendly as possible.
Write as if you were talking to your reader.