Hey, I am just any 15 year-old. I live in a very small town and I have good friends, most of them being older then me. I used to think that my life was the worst and that there was nothing you could do to fix it. I would not see anyone about my problems and I soon learned that only made things so much worse and it did not fix any thing after trying to kill myself several times.
I was told I needed help and I had to have it. I did not really have a choice in the matter, so I had to go to counseling,which I did not want to do at all. I was also told by a good friend of mine, who is much older than me, that I needed to start thinking more positively. He found me really negative, although I thought to myself at the time what the hell difference does it make in the way you think I just thought it was bullshit to tell the truth but without even realizing it, I have become a lotmore positive and feel great about almost everything I do in life.
I now have this great motto to be positive and to look at the good side in everything. Trust me, there is always one. For example, I have been raped once before and I thought about this and was told not to look at it as a bad thing because there are many positives. I also thought this was a joke at the time but I have now realized that there are many positives about this and I will just list a few that I found.
I have grown up and learnt that I have to be more careful wherever I am. I live in a town with a population of as little as 90 people and I always believed that it could not happen in such a small town, but I was wrong because it did. Do not think that it can never happen to you! |