face value MEANING: the official worth or trust of something EXAMPLE: Although the face value of the postage stamp was very low it sold at the auction for much money.
fair play MEANING: justice, equal and right action to someone EXAMPLE: The company is very good to work for as they always use fair play when they are bargaining with their employees.
figure out MEANING: find an answer by thinking about something EXAMPLE: Everyone in our company is trying to figure out what our boss is going to do with the new equipment.
fill the bill MEANING: be just what is needed EXAMPLE: That new machine should fill the bill as to what we need to finish the job.
finger in the pie MEANING: involved in what is happening, receiving money for something EXAMPLE: The new manager has his finger in the pie in all aspects of our company's business.
gain ground MEANING: go forward, make progress EXAMPLE: Our company has been gaining ground in our attempt to be the best in the industry.
get a break MEANING: get an opportunity or good deal EXAMPLE: We were able to get a break on the price of the paint and saved a lot of money.
get off the ground MEANING: make a successful beginning, go ahead EXAMPLE: We were unable to get the new product off the ground and will have to wait until next year.
give someone the green light MEANING: give permission to go ahead with a project EXAMPLE: Our boss gave us the green light to begin work on the new sales promotion.
go public MEANING: sell shares of a privately owned company to the public EXAMPLE: The stock of the Internet company rose very quickly when they went public.
go through with MEANING: finish, do as planned or agreed EXAMPLE: We have decided not to go through with our plans to launch the new product until we have solved all of its problems.