Work Lingo
A full-time job - Work that occupies five days a week usually from 9am-5pm.
Part-time - Work that may take just 2 or 3 days each week.
freelancer - Someone who works for different companies but is not employed by them.
I am self-employed - You are the boss and own your own company.
A dotcom start up - To launch a company which will operate online [on the internet.
A job share - A job's responsibilities and salary are shared, usually by two people.
To float the company / to go public - To sell shares in a company on the Stock Exchange to raise money or reduce personal responsibility.
A full-time job - Work that occupies five days a week usually from 9am-5pm.
Part-time - Work that may take just 2 or 3 days each week.
freelancer - Someone who works for different companies but is not employed by them.
I am self-employed - You are the boss and own your own company.
A dotcom start up - To launch a company which will operate online [on the internet.
A job share - A job's responsibilities and salary are shared, usually by two people.
To float the company / to go public - To sell shares in a company on the Stock Exchange to raise money or reduce personal responsibility.