Law 1. attorney. n. 1 a person appointed to act for or represent another 2US lawyer.
2. barristerUK. n. a lawyer who pleads before a superior court.
3. brief. n. 1UK instructions to a barrister - also v. 2US written statement of facts.
4. case. n. statement of the facts in a trial, esp. the argument of one side.
5. contract. n. a formal agreement, usually in writing, between two or more parties.
6. court of law. n. the place where law cases are hear and decided; court - courtroom n..
7. evidence. n. information presented to a court to prove or support a point in question.
8. guilty. adj. responsible for wrong; culpable - guilt n. not guilty adj..
9. judge. n. official with authority to hear and decide cases in a court of law - also v..
10. jury. n. a group of people chosen to hear the evidence of a case and give a decision.
11. lawsuit. n. a trial at court between two private parties.
12. lawyer. n. a person trained in law and who advises or represents others.
13. plead. v. 1 to defend a law case 2 to declare oneself to be guilty or not guilty - plea n..
14. sentence. n. 1 decision of a court, esp. as to the punishment 2 the punishment - also v..
15. solicitor. n. 1UK lawyer advising clients & briefing barristers 2US law officer for a city etc.
16. sue. v. to start legal action against someone in a court of law - lawsuit n..
17. sum up. v. to summarise & review the evidence of a case - summing up n..
18. trial. n. a formal examination of a case in a court of law - to try v..
19. verdict. n. the formal decision or finding of a judge or jury.
20. without prejudice. without detriment or damage to a legal right or claim?